Squash in racketlon

Squash is the least developped of the 4 racketlon racket sports. Things might however change as squash has been declared an Olympic games in 2024, taking effect from the 2028 Olympic games in Los Angeles.

The main difficulty of organizing a racketlon turnament is to find a venue with enough squash courts, as well as facilities for the three others sports. It is however more developped in the UK, with UK players often gaining advantage over their opponents in squash, rather than in other sports.

Squash is the generally the sport where beginners can improve more rapidly their level by playing and having lessons. Very often, good squash players dominate badminton, and vice-versa.

Squash in racketlon is played in 21 points, with each player serving twice.

Equipment and Court

The game is played on a rectangular court with four walls, using a small, hollow rubber ball and racquets specifically designed for squash. The court dimensions are standardized, with a front wall that features a service line and a tin at the bottom that acts as a net. The back wall includes an out line, above which the ball is considered out of play. The squash ball comes in varying degrees of bounciness, suited to different skill levels and temperatures.

Scoring System

Squash can be played in singles or doubles format, with the objective of hitting the ball against the front wall within the boundaries so that the opponent cannot return it before it bounces twice. Matches are typically played as best of five games, with each game played to 11 points. A player must win by at least two clear points if the score reaches 10-10.

Initiating Play

At the start of each game and after each point, play is initiated by a serve. The server must have one foot in the service box and strike the ball to the front wall above the service line and below the out line. The ball must then land in the opposite quarter court, unless volleyed by the receiver.

Service Rotation

Service alternates between players after each point. Initially, the right to serve is decided by a spin of the racquet or a similar method. Following the first game, the winner of the preceding game serves first.

Rally and Point Scoring

After the serve, players alternate hitting the ball against the front wall above the tin and below the out line. Points can be scored by either player on any rally, a rule known as "PAR" (Point-A-Rally) scoring. A player wins a point if their opponent fails to return the ball before it bounces twice, hits it out of bounds, or hits it into the tin.

Player Interference

In squash, players share the same space and must allow their opponent a fair chance to play the ball. If interference occurs, such as blocking the opponent's swing or access to the ball, a let may be called, resulting in the rally being replayed.

Let Calls

A let is a stoppage in play due to interference, a ball hitting the server before reaching the front wall, or any other disruption. No point is awarded, and the rally is replayed from the last serve.
